You would expect that the first collection of a major fashion house like Dior without its lead designer would go back to its roots and present a collection that would look very much like the original Dior and that wouldn’t remind anyone of who used to design for Dior.
But the first Dior collection looked nothing like the style of the house of Dior. It more looked like a bad parody on the style of Galliano. It’s like it was a collection made to convince the last admirers of Galliano’s style that what Galliano added to Dior wasn’t so brilliant. It was a collection that is supposed to make people eager to embrace a Dior with a new face that isn’t Galliano.
If it would have happened in other circumstances, I would have been very excited about seeing what a new designer would do for Dior, but I just can’t stand how people either make a big deal out of it or either claim that it was just a silly joke and that Galliano is really just a nice guy with a weird sense of humor. What he did was racist and wrong, but it wasn’t the worst racist act of the year.
And I really don’t like how this all feels staged. The start of his trial was just in time to draw attention to the new Haute Couture collection of Dior and if the verdict falls just in time to promote the first new prĂȘt-a-porter collection of Dior with its new face, they will likely have lost me.